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Paid placments are they clouding search results?
Published on January 19, 2004 By Gold-Hunter In Internet

In my humble opinion search engine results are becoming more and more clouded 
by paid placement ranking systems that some of the current engines use. 
My reasoning behind this is, when we search for something on the Internet 
whatever it may be we would like to see the most relevant sites pertaining to the 
words or keywords we have used. Using the current system some search engines use, 
are we really getting what we asked for? If you ask me I think we are getting 
what they want us to see, not what we asked to see. I believe that is why Google.com 
is becoming more and more popular because of it’s simplicity and they way it ranks site results.
When the Internet was born it was for the transfer of information by everyone for everyone, 
not for those with the biggest wallet to push their product. Equality and accessible information 
is what makes the Internet a great place to be, but more and more it’s becoming a 
class-based society, where those can afford the the most paid hits get found.

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